Fixed-run taxi

Fixed-run taxi (in common parlance - pike's bus) - bus routes, as well as the routes of minibuses, engaged in transportation of passengers and luggage on the curtain routes. This is a regular transport to the embarking and disembarking of passengers in any, not forbidden by the Rules of road place. The fare depends on the length of the route, often around 25-35 rubles. Suburban buses are more expensive. The exact price you can find in the minibus. You need to pass to the driver the money for the fare and the change will be returned.

If you want to stop the bus on the street, you need to raise your hand. The majority of fixed-route taxis stop for passengers at bus stops. You need to advance and loudly tell the driver about your output. Stops "here" or "there" are contrary to the rules of the road and can cause an accident on the road.


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